Top tips for resigning
The news came in the form of a standard screen alert. "The designer you treated like sh-- has quit unexpectedly," it read. "Click Renegotiate to discuss terms for a new contract. Click HR to find out how badly you messed up."

For more, see http://www.smh.com.au/executive-style/management/top-tips-for-resigning-20101213-18up8.html
Disabled workers enslaved in China factory
BEIJING: Authorities have shut down a factory in western China where 11 workers, most of them mentally disabled, were allegedly enslaved for years in deplorable conditions, state press said Tuesday.

For more, see http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/1099085/1/.html
Public feedback backs proposed re-hiring law
SINGAPORE: Respondents in a recent public consultation exercise were supportive of the proposed re-employment legislation, said Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong.

For more, see http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1091913/1/.html
How to deal with workplace stress
Anxiety levels are increasing as economic pressures mount, writes David Wilson.

For more, see http://content.mycareer.com.au/advice-research/workplace/How_to_deal_with_workplace_stress.aspx?s_rid=smh:rainbowstrip:box2:campaign3:content2:22-10:overtime:howtodealwithworkplacestress
Passive smoking kills 6,800 annually
Roughly 6,800 people in Japan are estimated to die every year from lung cancer or heart disease caused by passive smoking, and more than half — around 3,600 — are exposed to secondhand smoke in their workplace, a research team said Tuesday.

For more, see http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20100929a3.html
Talents of women are being squandered
THE post-election environment has seen business leaders call for accelerated national reform, to take advantage of a highly dynamic global economic situation.

For more, see http://www.smh.com.au/business/talents-of-women-are-being-squandered-20100927-15u6j.html
Employers told to tear down office firewalls
Employers should tear down firewalls that prevent staff from social networking while at work, according to a leading internet security expert.

For more, see http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/digital-life-news/employers-told-to-tear-down-office-firewalls-20100922-15mti.html